Evergreen Legacy · Gen. 7 - Showtime · Sims Through The Ages Legacy Challenge

Generation VII Chapter Eight: Another Love Story

Sebastian called me the morning after our night at the Country Club and I surprised myself with how quickly I leaped out of bed and grabbed my phone. The night had dragged as soon as I returned to my bed. I tossed and turned with all the thoughts of his eyes, his lips, his hands,… Continue reading Generation VII Chapter Eight: Another Love Story

Evergreen Legacy · Gen. 7 - Showtime · Sims Through The Ages Legacy Challenge

Generation VII Chapter Seven: Oceans and Flames

Word began to spread of my abilities on stage now that the newspapers called me Master of Balance and it wasn't long before the proprietor of one of the new private venues asked to meet with me. Now that the Council was no more, I had been able to fast track my projects and establish… Continue reading Generation VII Chapter Seven: Oceans and Flames

Evergreen Legacy · Gen. 7 - Showtime · Sims Through The Ages Legacy Challenge

Generation VII Chapter Six: Overcoming Hurdles

Despite the shambles that was my very first live show performance, it was nothing on what unfolded to continue our town transformation project. The pushback from the Council was extreme even by their standards and it became apparent that Mildred and Sunny were working their magic. From spreading lies that my goal was to send… Continue reading Generation VII Chapter Six: Overcoming Hurdles

Evergreen Legacy · Gen. 7 - Showtime · Sims Through The Ages Legacy Challenge

Generation VII Chapter Five: Learning the Ropes

The weeks flew by after the bombshell my mom and aunts dropped on me and my cousins at our girls' night. I channeled my confusion and concern into performing the best routines I could muster as I got regular gigs at the park. Ramiro insisted he wasn't showing favouritism but would still ask me out… Continue reading Generation VII Chapter Five: Learning the Ropes

Evergreen Legacy · Gen. 7 - Showtime · Sims Through The Ages Legacy Challenge

Generation VII Chapter Four: Girls’ Night

To my delight, my very first show went off without a hitch. I dropped a club in the beginning of my juggling set but the knives didn't remove any body parts on or offstage so I considered it successful. The sun set as I wrapped up my performance and I was glad to see my… Continue reading Generation VII Chapter Four: Girls’ Night

Evergreen Legacy · Gen. 7 - Showtime · Sims Through The Ages Legacy Challenge

Generation VII Chapter Three: Taking the Stage

I spent the rest of the week perfecting my tricks on the job and at home when Vince and I weren't trading hotspots in town. I was finally making some good tips and only once did someone try to run off with my jar. I made a mental note to speak to aunt Melody and… Continue reading Generation VII Chapter Three: Taking the Stage

Evergreen Legacy · Gen. 7 - Showtime · Sims Through The Ages Legacy Challenge

Generation VII Chapter Two: First Day

After a long night in my new garage studio I woke at the crack of dawn to start my first day as an Acrobat-in-training. I could hear Vince in the next room already in the shower and knew he was just as motivated as me. I had spent more of the night researching and managed… Continue reading Generation VII Chapter Two: First Day

Evergreen Legacy · Gen. 7 - Showtime · Sims Through The Ages Legacy Challenge

Generation VII Chapter One: Just Winnie

To say I have been waiting for this moment my entire life wouldn't be too much of an exaggeration. I was born into a family that is one of the biggest dynasties our little town, and maybe the world, had ever seen. Ever since I was old enough to watch my mother training her horses… Continue reading Generation VII Chapter One: Just Winnie

Evergreen Legacy · Gen. 6 - Pets

Generation VI Chapter Twenty: From Pets to Showtime

The time has come for my part of this tale to come to an end. From hunting Unicorns to deciphering curses, marrying my Imaginary Friend and meeting the ghost of Gretle Goth, and making the Valley home to creatures it had long lost, my story has been one of magic and dreams. I had often… Continue reading Generation VI Chapter Twenty: From Pets to Showtime

Evergreen Legacy · Gen. 6 - Pets

Generation VI Chapter Nineteen: Fairytale Found

In finding my fairytale at long last and reaching a goal of a lifetime I also found my feet as the leader of our family and our town. The Council had been suspiciously quiet for some time and no new projects or propositions had appeared on the stretches of empty land that remained all over… Continue reading Generation VI Chapter Nineteen: Fairytale Found