
Top Tips to Win the 100 Baby Challenge

If you need help taking on one of the hardest challenges of The Sims community, look no further! If you haven’t tried this challenge before, here are my rules. Here is a quick glossary before we get started:
Matriarch: Your created Sim who is having all of these babies
Donor: The Sim(s) who are the second parent to the babies

1. Get a Job

Money will be one of the biggest hurdles in the beginning and when you are trying to wrangle screaming babies and toddlers you will not want to have not enough cribs, high chairs, or anything else. As soon as you enter the challenge, get your Sim a decent job. If you’re taking it seriously, you can check out this post on which careers are the most lucrative to make sure you pick the best one. Now the rules are that your matriarch can’t hire babysitters, so attending work until a teenager is at home is out of the question. If you time things just right, your matriarch will constantly earn maternity leave pay and never actually do a day’s work. To climb the ladder, they will need to ask their boss for a promotion and also attend a work day in between requests. Working a job that doesn’t clash with High School may be in your favour. Your Sim should also make money out of any other interests. Writing is a favourite of mine for pregnant Sims because the royalties come in weekly without them doing any extra work, things like Painting and Gardening require they are always working to make the money.

2. Make a Donor System

There are two stages of implementing a donor system and they are crucial to taking on this challenge. The first is to set up a conveyor belt of donors and to constantly have lovers waiting in the wings to be the next parent. To do this, spend your Sim’s pregnancy wooing potential donors and creating a list of suitable romantic interests. That way, as soon as the baby is born, they can invite one of their donors over and get pregnant immediately. Rinse repeat to make your challenge run as efficiently as possible. The second stage is tracking donors who have already donated and are ineligible to be a donor again. I have found the best way to do this is to end the romance as soon as your Sim is pregnant. That way, only active romantic interests in your Sim’s relationship panel are eligible. You can also create spreadsheets to document donors or use the family tree in-game to make sure you don’t duplicate. I also have found it helpful to evict grown up children and move them in with their donor, that way you know for sure if someone has been used already.

3. Use Store or Custom Content to do the Job for You

While my, and most, rules dictate that you can’t use cheats to win this challenge, there are a lot of workarounds. For example, the Tiny Prodigies Early Learning Center from The Sims 3 Store comes with a play pen and a walker that enable your toddlers to essentially teach themselves to walk and talk. Your Sim will also get a big mood boost while the toddlers use these, and the toddler’s needs are largely taken care of too. The MultiTab 6000 is a great way to develop skills while multitasking with other things, whether that is for the matriarch or the teens, just know they will turn it off autonomously if they are going in water or a rabbit hole.

4. Contingency Plans are a Must

The game can make things difficult all by itself so be sure to account for potential hurdles. A classic is the Snow Day. If your kids aren’t going to school, they’re not getting their grades up. Ensuring your matriarch has level 5 Logic means they can Tutor children and teens in their school performance. I also try to have birthdays on Sundays or Fridays to ensure that they can get straight to school and work on their grades.

I’m streaming my own Sims 3 100 Baby Challenge on Twitch! Follow me here to join in when I go live.

I hope this helps you as you make your way through one of the toughest Sims 3 challenges out there. There dozens of variations of the rules to this challenge, hence me making my own rules to keep things simple here in The Vault. Let me know what other tricks and tips work for you in the comments! You can also subscribe with your email so that all new posts go into your inbox directly.

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