Late Night

Welcome to my guide for The Sims 3 Late Night Expansion Pack! This pack took us to the big city and gave our Sims a whole new lifestyle of fame and fortune. Whether your Sims seek to make their name as an actor or director, or simply by knowing the right people, this new pack gives them all the opportunities they could ever need.


Founded by Ebenezer Alto at the turn of the century, Bridgeport was once a busy shipping town inhabited by sailors and smugglers. However, when the film industry came to the city, celebrities, Simoleons, and the sparkling lights of fame took over. Now a vibrant city with an energetic night life and bustling club scene, Bridgeport has made its mark on the map. With all the lights on, will its past ever resurface?

A stunning city world that truly is one of a kind. The main downtown area is highly condensed with apartment buildings, nightclubs, and new multi-purpose rabbit holes that see the generic lots from Sunset Valley, Riverview and Twinbrook combined in a space-saving endeavour. Your Sims can now visit the Spa and Bookstore in the same building, as well as the Bistro and Business Tower, the Diner and Grocery Store are also combined and City Hall is now a multiplex for all civil services; the military, law enforcement, and politics. This method has been duplicated in store and expansion pack worlds that came after this pack and are easily placed in the preceding worlds for urbanisation.

Across the bridge are several beautiful mansions secured with electronic gates to keep out the tireless fans and paparazzi. Home to the stars of the city, this is where the most famous members of Bridgeport’s society have fled to find some modicum of privacy in their fast-paced, front-facing lives. With just one subway stop at the edge of the bridge, one would need to get a taxi at the very least to visit them.

Film Career

Band Career

Your Sims can now be self-employed in a band with up to three other Sims. They’ll receive gigs just like Opportunities and be able to perform at spots all around town to earn simoleons.

Did you know? There is a whole new life state with every expansion pack. Vampires came with The Sims 3 Late Night and if that wasn’t cool enough, your Vampires can die from Thirst.

Celebrity Lifestyle

From electronic gates to being followed by paparazzi, your Sims will find that being famous affords them a variety of new things. The truly wealthy don’t like to do everything themselves and now neither do you, hire a butler to live in and take care of your every whim. There are five star levels to fame in The Sims 3 Late Night and you can learn more about that here.

Lifetime Wishes

Distinguished Director

Lifestyle of the Rich and Famous

Master Mixologist

Master Romancer

One Sim Band

Superstar Actor


Looking for love? Each new pack came with new woohoo locations, in this case your Sims can sneak off to the nearest Hot Tub or Elevator! Your level 10 Actors also have a private trailer…

Lifetime Happiness Rewards

The Hustler

Watering Hole Regular

The Next Big Thing

Excellent Groupie

Master of Seduction

Better Mixologist

Always on the List

Map to the Stars

New personality alert! The Sims 3 Late Night came with two new traits. Will your Sim be Shy or have the elusive Star Quality?

New Skills


If you want to see this pack in action, check out The Evergreen Legacy. As a Sims Through The Ages Challenge, Generation Four is all about Late Night!

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