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From Code to Play: The Sims 3 Video Game Developer Career Guide

A video game developer literally gets to mix fun and games in their job. Do you have the thumbs of steel to rise to the top as a Game Studio Head? 

Sims who have reached the title of Game Master within the Nerd Social Group will be recommended by a friend to the Video Game Development Studio. Wait for the call or upload your resume via your smartphone to join this exclusive career at the Business Tower.

Overview of the Video Game Developer Career Track in The Sims 3

LevelTitle $ / dayMetrics for PromotionWork Days Hours
1Game Button Tester156Mood, Nerd Influence, Playing GamesM F Sa Su10:00-16:00
2Assistant Concept Artist224M Tu Th F Su13:00-20:00
3Quality Assurance Manager312M Tu W Th F07:00-15:00
Key: + the above metrics plus an additional, – the above except this, blank the same as above

Video Game Developer Career – Engineer Branch

LevelTitle $ / dayMetrics for PromotionWork Days Hours
4Code Monkey384+ Logic SkillM Tu W Th F09:00-17:00
5Game Programmer45508:00-15:00
6Senior Engineer60608:00-14:00
7Technical Director72009:00-14:00
8Lead Designer1100+Writing Skill – Logic SkillM Tu W Th10:00-15:00
9Executive Producer157211:00-15:00
10Game Studio Head2961M W F12:00-15:00
Key: + the above metrics plus an additional, – the above except this, blank the same as above

Video Game Developer Career – Game Artist Branch

LevelTitle $ / dayMetrics for PromotionWork Days Hours
4Pixel Pusher384+ Painting SkillM Tu W Th F09:00-17:00
5Character Modeler45510:00-17:00
6Senior Animator60611:00-17:00
7Art Director72012:00-17:00
8Lead Designer1100+ Writing Skill – Painting SkillM Tu W Th10:00-15:00
9Executive Producer157211:00-15:00
10Game Studio Head2961M W F12:00-15:00
Key: + the above metrics plus an additional, – the above except this, blank the same as above

Curious which career pays best? Check out this post comparing all avenues and which ones will make your Sims richest!

Nerds can Mind Meld with other Sims and learn a thing or two!

From Nerd to Studio Head: Tips and Tricks for the Video Game Developer Career

To reach the top of the Nerd Social Group your Sim will already have played hours of video games, as well as read many comic books and issued a few trivia challenges. This is not something exclusive to the world of Sim University but there are many more Nerds of varying levels to be found there than in your hometown. Once your Sim is offered the role of a lifetime they can start working their way up this exclusive career. The first few levels just require a lot of video game playing and socialising before they are invited to pick a branch.

Engineers focus on the Logic Skill where Game Artists pursue Painting. Mastering these skills will go a long way to ensuring your Sim reaches the top of their chosen branch. At Level 8 these skills will no longer be important because the Writing Skill will take over, so start building that alongside the other skills to save time later.

There are some perks to this job, one being it can be a work from home job. They will be given a laptop and the option to Work from Home which is always there for Workaholic Sims will be available during their work hours so they needn’t head into the office. Video Game Developers also get discounts on purchasing technology and using cafes.

Playing Video Games is crucial to this career but also great for building fun!

The Best Traits, Lifetime Rewards, and Lifetime Wish for your Sim!

Without a directly related Lifetime Wish, Game Artists would make good Illustrious Authors and Engineers could pursue Lifetime Wishes like Chess Legend or Professional Author. Artistic, Bookworm, or Genius Sims would find it much easier to build the required skills.

Lifetime rewards can be purchased with lifetime happiness points and the ones to look out for if you’re embarking on this career are:

Nerd Influence – 2,000
Gain a substantial amount of influence with the Nerd group.

Entrepreneurial Mindset – 10,000
Sims with an Entrepreneurial Mindset earn Experience more quickly and tend to reach the top of their careers more quickly.

Fast Learner – 15,000
Learn and improve skills faster than a galloping llama!

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